23 - 25.3 HP Tractors

Model 2100 Series

Manufacturer Mahindra

23 - 25.3 HP Tractors 2100 Series


You have our word the Mahindra 2100 series will perform to your expectations and might even surprise you from time to time. It’s the compact class’s toughest, friendliest, and smartest tractor. First time operators smile at the intuitive and informative cockpit. Phone app lovers are pumped by its intelligent OJA software.


  • Unmatched Ride Quality

  • Best-In-Class Loader Tractor

  • Effortless Controls At Your Fingertips


Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
Engine typeNaturally Aspirated, Indirect Injection, Water Cooled DieselNaturally Aspirated, Indirect Injection, Water Cooled Diesel
Engine HP [kW] @ RPM22.9 (17.1) @ 250025.3 (18.9) @ 2700
Displacement [in3 (cc)]80.4 (1318)80.4 (1318)
Number of cylinders33
Fuel tank [Gal (L)]5.8 (22)5.8 (22)
Bore & stroke [in]Bore : 3.1, Stroke: 3.6Bore : 3.1, Stroke: 3.6

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
Transmission typeHST – 3 rangeHST – 3 range
Number of speedsInfiniteInfinite
Max speed (mph)11.211.2
BrakesDual pedalDual pedal

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
PTO typeIndependentIndependent
Rear PTO RPM540540
Mid PTO RPM2500 @ 25002500 @ 2500
PTO HP (kW)16.8 (12.5)18.8 (14.0)

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
TypeOpen center with Position ControlOpen center with Position Control
Maximum total flow [GPM (L/min)]11.211.2
Total pump output, main (GPM)6.36.3
Total pump output, steering (GPM)55
3-Point hitchCat ICat I
3- Point hitch lift capacity @24" aft [lb (kg)]1760 (798 kg)1760 (798 kg)

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
Battery630 CCA, 52 AH630 CCA, 52 AH
Alternator55 A55 A

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
Overall length [in (mm)]112.7 (2863)112.7 (2863)
Wheelbase [in (mm)]61.4 (1560)61.4 (1560)
Turning radius [ft (m)]7.6 (2.3)7.6 (2.3)
Overall width [in (mm)]54.4 (1383)54.4 (1383)
Overall height [in (mm)]95.5 (2426)95.5 (2426)
Minimum ground clearance [in (mm)]13.4 (340)13.4 (340)
Weight [lb (kg)]21012101

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
IND [Front/Rear]8.5×14 / 12.4-168.5×14/12.4-16
TURF [Front/Rear]8.5×14 / 13.5-168.5×14/ 13.5-16

Tractor Model2123 HST2126 HST
Model numberL21L21
Max lift height (in)82.4482.44
Loader lift capacity [lb (kg)]1477 (670)1477 (670)
Digging depth (in)3.143.14

*Manufacturer specifications, subject to change without notice.